The Quick Wins of ListWise
To any successful email marketer, an email list-cleaning engine is key. ListWise is the world’s simplest email list-cleaning solution adding value to email marketers across the globe. Through analyzing the results of hundreds of millions of email addresses, ListWise was designed to be more powerful than ever.
In email marketing today, the work of email list-cleaning software helps prevent spam traps, the duplication of emails, typo fixing, and bounce-backs – ListWise fixes these faults, and so much more. It’s due to this reason that ListWise is considered to be the secret weapon behind every successful email marketer, separating the wheat from the chaff. Due to its simplicity, power and brilliance, the benefits of ListWise to any email marketer are vast:

1. Spam Trap Indicators
With the new improved product, ListWise now removes spam-traps whilst cleaning email lists. A key investment within ListWise was that of placing resources to assist marketers in escaping the ‘spam trap’. Checking against 58,989,323 potential traps, ListWise gives your list the greatest chance of being cleaned with accuracy and efficiency.
In saying this, there are millions of suspected spam traps across the globe, making it highly unlikely for any email list-cleaning tool to be able to detect and remove all of them. Realizing this fact has meant that at ListWise, we don’t boast about having a 100% spam trap free solution, instead we promise our product cleans lists better, faster and cheaper than anyone else on the planet.
2. Clean Data = Clean Marketing
For the majority of bulk marketers, those who send high volumes of emails, know the value of decent, clean data. In terms of ListWise, the data cleaning is done through our global network allowing ListWise to reference your data against known bounced emails and spam traps. By doing this, ListWise essentially allows for a sure-fire clean list. ListWise does this by separating the ‘clean’, ‘invalid’, ‘duplicates’ and ‘bounces’ off your email list so you have a complete breakdown and can download the valid addresses. In doing this, ListWise allows email marketers the element of time and clean marketing – through removing unnecessary hassles like ‘bounce-backs’.
3. Extra Accurate Emails
ListWise offers customers the quick win of producing extra accurate emails. With delivering high volumes of mail across freemail ISPs being a persistent challenge, ListWise gives email senders a breakdown of the numbers and percentages of freemail addresses in your list. In so doing, this allows bulk senders to develop strategic game plans to cater to particular ISPs.
Accordingly, it goes without saying that the quality of your email lists go hand-in-hand with the quality of responses you receive from your marketing campaigns. By sending to clean email addresses, your ISP rejections are kept relatively low, ensuring a consistent, long-term inbox delivery rate across all major ISPs.
4. Precision Automatic typo-fixing
Typos are a common mistake in many areas of the digital world. Yet, one minor typo when opting-in via a web form on a website can amount to major discrepancies within a bulk marketing campaign. For email marketers, ListWise fixes the most common typos for you. This is generally the missing ‘@’ symbol and incorrect domain names.
These Quick Wins of ListWise work hand-in-hand when producing successful high-volume email-marketing campaigns. The simplicity, power and brilliance of ListWise proves it helps sustain campaigns while allowing email marketers luxuries such as time, clean data and reliable email lists.
email list cleaning service Email marketing email marketing campaigns