Category: Email Markering

ListWise is the best email list cleaning and email verification service. Verifies every email address and removes all invalid email addresses from your lists.

Email List Cleaning Why Bother

Email List Cleaning: Why Bother?

Taking the time and effort necessary to keep your email list clean can seem like a waste. After all, if people aren’t interested in your emails, they can just ignore them, right? Alas, there is a lot more to it than that, as a few bad apples that spammed their email messages to consumers unrelentingly …

A Checklist for Avoiding Mistakes in Email Marketing

A Checklist for Avoiding Mistakes in Email Marketing

For a brand whose marketing messages can get in front of thousands of people, the impact of a “small” mistake can be enormous. Think about it, not only is there a chance of making a bad impression (or real brand damage), but mistakes can also have a direct influence on conversions. So as a marketer …

Strong Calls to Action for Subscription Forms

Strong Calls-to-Action for Subscription Forms

Adding something as simple as a subscription form to your call to action of your email marketing campaigns has been proving more successful on the digital content front. If you want your readers to respond to your email marketing content, then adding an immediately doable and beneficial aspect to the end of the content, like …

Email Deliverability Not Getting Easier

Email Deliverability – Not Getting Easier!

Deliverability is the way to measure the percentage of how many marketing emails you deploy actually make it to the inbox of the recipient. Despite email marketing implementing practices such as permission-based marketing, sometimes emails still don’t have a guaranteed deliverability date – they are being treated as SPAM or being blocked outright. For a …