
ListWise is the best email list cleaning and email verification service. Verifies every email address and removes all invalid email addresses from your lists.

How to Get the Best Value Out of an Email List

Email List Cleaning Advice: How to Get the Best Value Out of an Email List

The email list that you build today can be worth a lot of money to you in the future, but you need to maintain that list in order to ensure that it is in the best shape possible. How can you get the best value out of an email contact list? A starting point is …

how to Clean Email Lists

Clean Your Email Lists Before Any Holiday Season

During the holiday season, retailers send an increased volume of emails to clients with special offers and promotions. Clearly, email is a critical communication channel for the holiday season. However, with increased volume sent to potentially inactive subscribers, comes some vulnerability. And with increased pressure to perform, retailers look to increase their volume of communications …

The Pros & Cons of Email List Cleaning Advice

Email List Cleaning Advice: The Name Field? The Pros & Cons

When it comes to opt-in forms for your online content, there is always the debate of adding a name filed will be beneficial or not. For one, it helps you get more personal information about the reader who is opting in but on the other hand, you may offend people who don’t want you to …

important things about email campaigns

2 Email Marketing Metrics that are Overlooked

Sometimes marketing is a numbers game. While creating value and building relationships are some of the most important things about email campaigns, you also need to know if what you are doing is working for you from a quantitative perspective as well. Have you tried to put down in numbers what each email is worth …