
ListWise is the best email list cleaning and email verification service. Verifies every email address and removes all invalid email addresses from your lists.

Break Up Your List Growth Into Bite Sized Pieces

Break Up Your List Growth Into Bite Sized Pieces

List growth is a primary email-marketing goal. It always has a direct impact on your business results. You want to set realistic goals that you can measure and that means that it should be in reach and attainable, given the budget and resources available for email marketing. Instead of having one big number as a …

How do you define email hygiene?

Email Hygiene Defined

How do you define email hygiene? As the name suggests, email hygiene entails keeping a clean email list. It means that all the email addresses in your list are valid, active and do not bounce out any email communication coming from you. With email hygiene, quality trumps quantity. Why is email hygiene important? Email hygiene …

How to Choose an Email List Cleaning Software

How to Choose an Email List Cleaning Software

The basic principle of email marketing success is to have an up-to-date, clean and valid database of email addresses. And while it’s possible to just buy a ready-to-use email list, there is, however, no guarantee that the email addresses in that list would be 100% authentic, valid and not expired.   So, the best way …